Casino News: Super Bowl Launch for New York Mobile Sports Betting, LVS Pushes Legal Gaming in Texas

New York City Casino Licenses

This week’s casino news is squarely focused on the United States. From Las Vegas to Texas and all the way up to New York, there are key headlines from different areas. Let’s start with New York where sports betting has finally been cleared.

Mobile Sports Betting In New York To Launch By 2022 Super Bowl

Mobile sports betting to the state of New York is coming sooner than some people initially believed. Just recently, Gov. Andrew Cuomo made the decision to sign the budget legislation for the 2022 fiscal year, a budget which included and legalized mobile and online sports betting. It turns out that New Yorkers may not have to wait long for it to come to the state either as it was reported that they are aiming to launch by the 2022 Super Bowl.

Cuomo has come out and said that he believes the state lottery should be in charge of the entire operation. Ither lawmakers wish that private companies would control the sportsbooks as lottery-led sports betting has mostly been a disaster. Regardless, within the next 150 days, the state will be picking two companies to receive their licenses.

While this seems like a huge score for the New York market, New Jersey is bound to take a loss. Many New Yorkers been crossing over into New Jersey to play but now they won’t have to.

Las Vegas Sands Corp. Pushing To Legalize Gaming In Texas

Las Vegas Sands has left Vegas and now they’re focusing on Texas. It appears that massive gaming brand is trying to take the next step in their efforts for expanded gambling in the state of Texas. According to a recent report, the business is attempting to launch a multimillion-dollar lobbying effort in the state to try and build a case to bring casinos into the area.

The advertisements are planning to highlight the legislation that is currently working its way through the system right now. One bill that would allow for expanded gambling to be voted on by the citizens is expected to have a ballot initiative in November.

These random efforts from the Las Vegas Sands Corp. come shortly after they sold each of their Las Vegas Strip properties. They picked up around $6.25 billion from those sales which means they have the funds necessary to unleash a blitz of ads in Texas. It is also expected that the company will immediately try and build a casino in the Lonestar state if the legislation is able to pass.

New Jersey Online Casinos Set Revenue Record During March

It was a rough year for New Jersey but business is starting to turn around. March delivered great news as online operators reported that they were able to win $113.7 million from gamblers in the state. This number actually goes down as the highest revenue generated by online casinos in a single month in state history. It is also only the second time that the state was able to pass the $100 million mark.

This giant boost in sales was able to help the states total gaming revenue take a jump to $359.3 million during March, representing a 119.8 percent year over year increase.

All of the casinos in the area were just starting to get hit with the COVID-19 pandemic around March in 2020, so there is no surprise that the state is seeing big jumps compared to last year.