Casino News: Steve Wynn Selling Beverly Hills Mansion, Cristiano Ronaldo’s Court Case Being Thrown Out


This week’s casino news starts off in Beverly Hills where former Wynn Resorts owner, Steve Wynn, is again trying to sell his nine-figure property. Will he find a buyer this time?

Wynn Increases Price of Beverly Hills Mansion

Casino mogul Steve Wynn has been doing everything in his power to get rid of a mansion that he owns in Beverly Hills but he can’t seem to catch anyone’s eye. He purchased the massive estate all the way back in 2015 for approximately $47.85 million in total. Towards the beginning of 2021, Wynn listed the mansion for $110 million.

There ended up being so many buyers for the property that Wynn decided to jack the price up to $125 million in just a few months. There was a catch on that price change, though: no contract was officially signed and the mansion got removed from the market. It’s been a few months since then and Wynn is attempting to sell it once more.

The mansion is back up for a starting price of $115 million. Wynn has chosen to work with Westside Estate Agency in order to get the property out of his hands at a reasonable price. We’ll see if he can finally make the sale and collect a juicy profit.

Ronaldo Rape Lawsuit On The Verge Of Being Thrown Away

It’s been 12 long years since Cristiano Ronaldo was accused of raping a woman at the Palms Casino property in Nevada. The woman, Katherine Mayorga, accused Ronaldo of rape on July 12th, 2009 after they met at the nightclub earlier in the evening. She officially filed a lawsuit against the soccer superstar in 2018, claiming coercion, fraud, battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and abuse of a vulnerable person. The case could be dropped now after the judge stated that Mayorga’s attorney had “acted in bad faith to his client’s and his profession’s detriment.”

Mayorga didn’t follow through on a lawsuit earlier because she felt that she would face public humiliation and retaliation for her accusations. There were documents leaked on a website that appeared to make light of what actually happened, suggesting why the incident may not have been so urgent, leaving her to follow through on the lawsuit so many years later.

Mayorga also mentioned that she signed a non-disclosure document and that she would drop her claim for $375,000 in return back in 2010. However, she stated that Ronaldo’s “legal fixers” coerced her into signing it.

Macau’s Zero Covid-19 Policy Means Lockdown Until 80 Percent Of Population Vaccinated

Health officials in Macau believe that they have finally come up with a solution to their nagging COVID-19 issues: they call it the zero COVID-19 policy. What it means is that they are not opening the area up until 80 percent of their population decides to get vaccinated.

A recent report states that only 48 percent of Macau’s population has officially gotten themselves vaccinated so far. The zero policy makes it wildly difficult for people to get in and out of places nowadays.

New Zealand was another place that decided to attempt the zero COVID-19 policy in their country. However, after just a short test, they decided to throw in the towel on the idea. Luckily, New Zealand is on the verge of getting its pandemic restrictions lifted because of how well they’ve handled it. That is with only 46 percent of the population fully vaccinated and an additional 24 percent partially vaccinated.